1. We Believe
| that the reason people work so diligently in their respective careers or chosen profession is to provide a good life for themselves and their loved ones.
2. We Believe
| that most people have bought into the "Big Lie" that career accomplishment and material success will also bring the happiness they seek. It won't...and it can't...because happiness is not the by-product of the acquisition of anything.
3. We Believe
| that our Creator endowed us with perfect joy, happiness, and personal fulfilment at the outset, which we have forgotten or somehow overlooked in the frantic search to acquire that which appears to be missing in our life..
4. We Believe
| that instead of looking to achieve personal fullfilment through the acquisition of more...we need only discover who we really are, and we'll find what we've been looking for.
5. We Believe
| that discovering who we really are is a spiritual process, which brings joy, happiness, and a sense of personal fulfilment to our daily lives, and can work for anyone...who's willing to work at it.